Parenting Tourettes Syndrome Children

Parenting Tourettes Syndrome Children is a daunting task

Parenting Tourettes Syndrome Children
Photo by Nathaniel Chang on Unsplash

Tourette’s Syndrome is a nervous system disorder that is characterized by tics (unwanted sounds or repetitive movements such as shrugging shoulders, blinking the eyes repeatedly, facial movements, and coughing, and throat clearing).

Parents of children or teenagers who have been diagnosed with Tourette’s syndrome have a responsibility as primary caregivers. Hence, they must help their child cope with this condition and grow into confident and successful adults. Here are a few ways they can do this.

1. Learn about the Condition

The first step in caring for your child is to learn everything about Tourette’s and the uncontrollable tics associated with the condition. When you understand your child’s condition, you’ll be equipped to provide all the support he/she needs. You can consult your physician or check articles on the internet to help you understand the condition better.

2. Seek Out Support

Additionally, you don’t have to deal with everything alone as a parent. Many parents often avoid seeking help because of the stigma associated with Tourette’s and the mental conditions associated with it. Because of the stigma, parents may find it hard to talk about it because they don’t want their children or other parents to know.

If your child has this condition, look for parents group or support groups that can provide the needed help. This way, you won’t have to do it all alone.

3. Provide Emotional Support

Your child’s self-esteem and confidence is greatly affected by how others react to the symptoms of Tourette’s. Hence, it is very important that parents help build the self-esteem of their kids. They should also help them improve their social skills so they make friends at school. When you’re always there to support your child, they will feel better about themselves.

To properly help your child, you have to deal with your own response to the diagnosis. These responses include fear, anger, guilt, isolation, and denial. The way you react to the diagnosis will affect the quality of your care. React to this response with accurate information about their condition. Only then will you be able to provide the needed support.

4. Seek Adequate Treatment Options

There is no cure for Tourette’s syndrome but there are behavioral treatments and medications that can help your child. As a parent, it is your duty to make sure that you provide all the services your child needs to live a productive and satisfying life. Your child may also benefit from psychological counseling which can help them with their social life and self-esteem issues.

Sometimes, the severity of the tics and co-occurring conditions may warrant the use of mediations in certain children. Hence, it is advised that you work with a physician to give your child the best treatment possible.


Every child is unique and as such, would respond differently to the condition. Some may handle their condition better while others may not. It is your responsibility as a parent to pay attention to your child and provide the needed support. Be aware of the challenges your kids face at school. This will help you treat them better and help them cope with negative social experiences they may have. This way, your child can excel in all areas of his or her life.

Parenting Tourettes Syndrome children is a noble task. Get all the help you can!
