Finding Your True Purpose In Life

Finding Your True Purpose In Life

Finding Your True Purpose In Life
Photo by Andreea Pop on Unsplash

The only way of finding your true purpose in life is by living a life that isn’t centered on getting approval from other people.

You have to explore your interests and passions. When you come to discover what you are meant to be, you must be prepared to silence the voices and listen to one voice only.

That voice that lives inside of you. It is your True North. And will tell you to keep trying, keep moving, believe in yourself, and to stay true to your purpose.

Unfortunately, not many people have found their true purpose in life.

They are either living a life that they are told they are supposed to live or they have accepted the misguided notion that finding your true purpose in life takes years and years.

Which may not always be the case.

Here are the top 5 things that are hindering you from finding your true purpose in life:

  1. You don’t know where to begin.

One thing stopping or delaying you from living your purpose is that you have no idea where to begin finding what your life purpose is in the first place.

The only way of discovering what your calling is in life is by knowing where to begin searching and the best place to start is inside you.

What are you passionate about? Is there something you can do exceptionally well that has people coming to you for assistance or advice? That could be your true purpose.

  1. You rely on other people to dictate what your life purpose is.

You are failing to realize your calling because you have become accustomed to people telling you how you ought to live and what to do. Sometimes your closest friends or family may have the right intentions.

When it comes to advising you or telling you what you should. Hence, good intentions may not be right. They may have an idea of who and what they want you to become. That doesn’t necessarily mean that’s what you were created to be.

  1. You are engrossed in comparing your life to that of others.

Additionally, comparing your life, abilities, or achievements to that of other people can stop you from knowing your destiny. You spend most of your time focusing on “If only I was that smart” or “I wish I could do that” and fail to appreciate what you are already great at. If you are truly set on finding out your true purpose you have to stop comparing yourself to other people, get rid of negative thoughts, and replace them with “I was born to have an impact and I will find out what that is.

  1. You already have a “picture” of what your purpose is.

We all have an “idea” of what we are meant to do, particularly during our adolescent years.

  1. You are not seeking guidance from the right people.

While discovering your true purpose on your own is the way to go, seeking guidance from the right people won’t hurt.

It will accelerate the process of finding out what your calling is in life. Additionally, it will give you ample time to seek efficient ways of staying true to your purpose.

Finally, it will help you become who you are meant to be.

Finding your true purpose in life is the first step in overcoming those barriers. Contact Us to find out how we can help you.


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Identifying Your Gifts – It Will Make You Stronger

Identifying Your Gifts

Identifying Your Gifts
Photo by shahin khalaji on Unsplash

Christopher is a dental assistant at his father’s clinic in a small town. He wanted to be an author when he was younger but there was never enough time. As evidenced by two unfinished manuscripts at the base of his sock drawer.

When he is not working, Christopher spends his time online, reading the work of his favorite authors.

Lately, he has been feeling the urge to do something more with his life.

Driven by this urge, Christopher rediscovers his passion to write. He also discovers that the subject of most of his written work revolves around motivation and getting people to believe in their abilities.

Christopher is among the few people in the world who have been fortunate to identify their gift.

Finding your purpose in life.

Finding your life’s purpose is not simple. It takes a lot of work to discover what you are passionate about and to use it to make a difference in other people’s lives. The journey of finding your purpose is personal, but what you do after that is never really about you. It is about what you can do for others with your hidden talents.

We often desire to reach a state of glory. There are influencers in all spheres and we want what they have without realizing the limitations they had to encounter and boundaries that they had to break to get to where they are. We see people we can easily relate to because they have similar backgrounds to ours. Most of them were ordinary, some of them as awkward as us. That they are being paid to talk or sing or bake makes it all seem easy until we read their biographies. It took a lot of self-discovery for them to find their passion. It will take a lot more to identify your own gifts and talents.

How to identify your gifts.

‘A gift is the thing you do best with the least amount of effort.’ Steve Harvey.

The first step in identifying your gifting is finding time to reflect on your abilities. There are certain things that you know you are good at or that you love doing that are not necessarily things that they have taught you. It is important to dig deep within yourself to find what you are passionate about.

Listing down what you are passionate about, your capabilities or talents will help you narrow down things you can focus on in pursuing purpose. Alternatively, you can list down things you are interested in, or that you would like to do, given the time, opportunity, or resources to do them.

Limitations to this discovery process often come because of a lack of exposure. You may not even know what you like or have an interest in because your current environment does not allow you to go beyond the familiar.

It may not allow you to think outside of your normal routine or beyond your usual cycle. This then requires you to use your imagination. Think about what you would do outside of your normal lifestyle if someone was to approach you with a monetary offer to do what you loved. If you were to provide a service to people based on your passion, what would that service look like?

Identifying your gifts in other people

Another approach to use in identifying your gifts is finding influential people who have similar interests to yours. Hence, shadowing such people and observing their journey could help put into perspective what you can reproduce from what they have accomplished. Seeing what they have had to do to get to where they are might help you decide whether the path they chose can be yours too. Following them could give you insight into what it might require making it in the same field they are in should you choose that path. If your intense research can still pique your interest, then it is likely that you have found your purpose. Continuing to shadow such people offers you mentorship on how to proceed until you can share your gifts with the world.

The journey of discovering your purpose does not end with you identifying your gifts. Rather, it starts where you know what you are good at.

There is a lot of investment that goes into perfecting the gifts you discover. The greatest resource investment you will need to make is time.

You will need to spend a lot of time doing market researches to find where your gift fits in. Additionally, you must rehearse your delivery so that the world buys into what you are selling.

Investigate and make a plan.

Take the time to learn the ins and outs of whatever industry you go into. For example, if your gift is in the art industry, invest time in learning how to penetrate it. If your gift is writing you will need to read other authors and improve your own writing skills.

Invest time in finding out about publishing, marketing, and sales.

There are many other investments you will need to make. Some investments will be monetary. Others will include finding people who will help you nurture, package, and deliver your gift in the most effective way possible. Be it equipment, such as phones, cameras, or laptops or tools for your trade. The bottom line is you will need to invest to pursue your purpose.

Finally, identifying your gifts will take a lot of effort on your part. Do not let that intimidate you. Instead, let it motivate you as a result of satisfaction that you have lived a meaningful life.

Have you considered volunteering? Contact Us. We might have ways to help you!




Knowing Your Purpose – Why is it Important

Knowing Your Purpose will bring clarity to your life.

Knowing Your Purpose
Photo by Nilotpal Kalita on Unsplash

A story is told of a young man who had a series of misfortunes in life. No matter where he was or what he tried to do bad luck was always on his side. Nonetheless, he kept going. Every time he fell, he got back up and gave it yet another shot. Family and friends advised him to give up and try something new. “You may excel at what you haven’t tried yet”, they said.

Without giving in, he kept working on becoming the health practitioner he was set out to be.

Whenever disheartening words came from all sides, family, his response was:

“I know what I am meant to be” “I know who I am and I will stay true to my purpose.

The most important thing about knowing your purpose is that it gives you strength to persevere.  Keep on trying, and get back up each time you fall. Knowing who you are and the impact you have in the world will keep you moving forward. Knowing your purpose will give you peace in life. Peace with yourself, peace with your purpose, peace with your methods, and peace in everything you do.

Staying the course.

Years passed and the young man still hadn’t achieved his goal but still, he kept giving it yet another shot. Just when he was on the brink of giving in, he found yet another reason to go on.

He remembered the first thing that made him realize what his purpose in life was.  Losing his loved ones to illnesses that had no cure left a deep scar. Failing to raise enough money for their treatment, additionally, lacking the knowledge of how to protect them left a void in his life.

He knew then what is calling in life was. It gave him strength to continue.

A few years later, he graduated and became a doctor .

Looking back at his life, he was grateful for everything he had experienced including the lessons learned along the way.

Most importantly he was grateful to himself for remaining true to his purpose.

5 reasons why knowing your purpose is important in life.

  1. It keeps you focused on what you are meant to accomplish.

Knowing your purpose is the best way of retaining your focus and eliminating distractions that you encounter along the way. Hence, when you know who you are and you concentrate on finding better ways of becoming who you are destined to be.

  1. It gives meaning to your life.

There is nothing more depressing and time-wasting than living a meaningless life. Not knowing what important role you are meant to play in the world will have you assuming that anything that comes your way is worth your time and effort. On the other hand, knowing what you are destined to be gives meaning to your life and gives you the guidance you need to go from where you are to where you were meant to be.

  1. It enables you to manage your time wisely.

Ever reflected on your day a few minutes before bed only to be disappointed by all the unchecked tasks on your daily schedule? Many people go through that. Failing to accomplish your daily tasks springs from failing to manage your time wisely and getting diverted from your main goals. Knowing what you are meant to accomplish in the long run will help you avoid creating room for time-wasting activities that are in no way linked to your goal and keep you producing at an elite level.

  1. It gives you a sense of belonging.

Life can be lonely when you feel you don’t belong anywhere but discovering your purpose in life will guide you to the right places and help you connect with the right people. Starting relationships, growing good relationships, and getting rid of bad ones becomes easier and it will make your life a whole lot easier.

  1. It gives you the confidence you need to go forward.

Last but not least, knowing your purpose in life is important because it gives you confidence in yourself. It serves as a constant assurance that you have what it takes to fulfill your purpose and that you will become who you are meant to be. It gives you the strength to keep going forward, keep climbing, keep aiming higher, and keep believing in yourself.

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Unleash Your Full Potential

Unleash Your Full Potential – Find Your Sense Of Purpose.

Unleash Your Full Potential
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

If you have ever met a person  who is not aware of what they are worth or what value their existence brings to the world?

You will agree that a sense of purpose makes a huge difference in a person’s life.

The belief that there is a good reason for one’s existence gives life a meaning. And it is a reason for the person to look forward to the next day.

That need to fulfill one’s purpose. To add value to the world around us is not something we randomly act on and succeed.

On top of knowing what makes us who we are or should be, we need to map ways to stay firm and focused on the reason for our existence.

How to unleash your full potential.

Our commitment to our purpose is the catalyst for unleashing our potential. The determination to succeed ignites a fire in us.  It gets us out of our hiding our comfort zones and pushes us to do something about our lives.

It all starts with that one step no matter how small it may be. Once we have taken it, we begin to see the possibility to take even more steps towards achieving dreams.

We begin to have a different view of the world and the way we appreciate life changes. We start to understand more about purpose and discover new and better ways to live in accordance with it. In essence, understanding our purpose and taking a step towards fulfilling it gets us on a journey of continuous growth.

Once we discover some possibilities and implement them, we get the courage to try new things.

Find the courage to move on, regardless of circumstances.

We also get the courage to confront our fears and appreciate challenges. This is made possible by the fact that we can look back and see where we once were.

We get lessons from our old selves, a time when we did not even know whether we had the power in us to take that first step. It reminds us of the same fears we had when we were still trying to find a starting point, how we struggled with challenges that later turned out to be the very things we needed to identify gaps in our strategies and helped us improve on our planning.

When we push ourselves towards living a meaningful life, we discover our capabilities we otherwise would have missed out on had we not believed our lives could be or were meant to be better than what they were, and not taken intentional steps towards fulfilling our purpose.

Perseverance in the key to unleash your full potential.

Where the right approach to fulfilling our purpose is employed and the basis of our belief in that we have a purpose is firm, we find satisfaction in remaining consistent in pursuing the goal to continue to give our life meaning. The principles that we adopt which form the foundation of our being never feel like a burden even when spectators may think that they are depriving us of fun and are slowing us down. This consistency supported by our principles helps us set priorities right and only change the things we do only if we have a logical reason to do so.

Finally, we are firm in our position and outside forces have less to no power to influence our lives.

However, a wise person would keep in mind the need to remain open-minded; to learn to listen to other people, because we never stop learning. A sense of purpose can drive us to care about others and give back. This is a necessary step towards building and maintaining good relationships with others. As we share especially our knowledge with others, we put ourselves in a position where we can get valuable information from them and discover new things about ourselves and the path that we are pursuing. By completely shutting out people, we risk missing out on opportunities to grow and to help others grow.

Find your purpose.

Knowing and living your purpose, and the fulfillment that comes with it bring the happiness one cannot begin to explain. Just remember that, happiness itself, is a reflection of a positive attitude. A positive attitude also means that we reason effectively and see opportunities where others may see threats only.

Such a person can be more ready to expand potential, and believing that they have a duty to perform in the world motivates them to grab every opportunity.

At Tourette’s Hope Center we help you find your way. Contact Us we are ready to give a hand.


Five Inspiration Questions

Five Inspiration Questions:

Five Inspiration Questions


Have you thought about what makes you happy every day?

Here arr a few questions that will give you food for thought.

  1. Who are the top 5 people you appreciate most and why?
  2. As you focused on others today, what did you see that inspired you? How so?
  3. What 5 negative self-talk comments come to your mind most often? Why?
  4. How have 3 people inspired you through positive talk and 3 through negative talk?
  5. Describe how a group of positive people encouraged you. What did they say and why was it helpful?


At Tourette’s Hope Center we raise every day knowing that our goals are ever closer.

Our dream of building our holistic center is getting closer to reality. We need a few good people to help us succeed.

Progress is slowly coming to fruition, new therapies and treatments are becoming available throughout the country.

The use of Occupational Therapy as well as new medications are helping people live fulfilling lives.

Helping thousands of sufferers is our goal.

Answer these Five Inspiration Questions and make  your day better.


Help us make our dream of helping others achieve their full potential for happiness.

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Is TS Inherited? – Living with Tourette’s

Is TS Inherited? is a question often asked.

Is TS Inherited? – Living with Tourette’s
Photo Credit: Unsplash

While the inheritance pattern of Tourette’s Syndrome is not clear, certain features of the condition do cluster in families.

Even among family members of an affected person, it is hard to identify who else has the condition.

Research shows that people with Tourette’s are 50% likely to pass the genes to one of their children.

Is Tourette’s Syndrome Inherited?

Tourette’s Syndrome is a complex neurological disorder which is characterized by sudden, repetitive, and involuntary movements or sounds known as tics.

Tics generally appear during childhood and their severity varies over time. For most kids, the severity of their tics becomes less frequent and milder during their late teens and as adults.

The tics can either be motor tics or vocal tics.

Motor tics are uncontrolled body movements, shrugging of the shoulders, eye-rolling, sudden jerking of the head.

Vocal or phonic tics, on the other hand, involve sudden sound outbursts which sufferers have no control over.

People with Tourette’s are at risk for certain associated problems such as anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and sleep disorders.

What is the Cause of TS?

Although the exact cause of Tourette’s Syndrome is not known, research has established a relationship with genetic and environmental factors.

Most of the Tourette’s cases are inherited but their mode of inheritance is unknown. Additionally, no genes have been identified.

Environmental factors are also associated with this condition. Unlike genetic factors, environmental situations do not directly cause Tourette’s in children.

However, these factors seriously affect the severity of the condition.

Most cases of Tourette’s Syndrome occur from a variety of environmental and genetic factors, and not changes in a single gene.

As a matter of fact, Certain forms of Tourette’s are genetically linked to obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

However, a genetic link between Tourette’s and ADHD is not yet understood.

Finally, the answer to Is TS Inherited? is that the the verdict is still out.

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Health Benefits of Being Physically Active

Health Benefits of Being Physically Active

Health Benefits of Being Physically Active
Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Being physically active is a great way to have fun, feel good, and boost your health. The health benefits of being physically active can be experienced by everyone regardless of their size, sex, or age.

Here are a few health benefits of Being  Physically Active.

You will experience a better quality of life when you engage in more physical activities or exercise.


  1. Weight Control

When you are physically active, you burn calories, and the more intense that activity is, the more calories you will burn. Physical activity keeps your weight in check by preventing excess weight gains and helps maintain weight loss. Take the stairs instead of an elevator, carry out more household chores, or take a walk. All these can keep your weight in check.


  1. Improves Mood

Research has shown that physical activities can stimulate certain brain chemicals that leave you less anxious, more relaxed, and happier. Since physical activities can keep you in great shape, you’ll feel better about the way you look, which can make you more confident and improve your self-esteem. A brisk walk every day can leave you feeling refreshed.


  1. Improves Sleep

If you want to sleep longer and deeper, then being physically active can help you achieve that. When you engage in physical activities every day, the quality of your sleep will improve. However, try not to exercise late at night. It may prevent you from getting a good night’s rest.


  1. Helps Prevent and Manage Health Conditions

Staying physically active helps to prevent certain diseases and health conditions. For example, physical activity reduces your risk of cardiovascular diseases. It also prevents or manages health problems such as high blood pressure, stroke, anxiety, depression, arthritis, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.


Health Benefits of Being Physically Active – Conclusion

To enjoy these health benefits, spend about 150 minutes engaging in moderate aerobic activity in a week. You can also spend 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity in a week. Better still, you can engage in a combination of both. Spread your activity throughout the week. Take a walk, swim, or even run to keep yourself active throughout the week.

This article is brought to you courtesy of Tourette’s Hope Center.



How Tourettes Affects Families – Helpful Tips

How Tourettes Affects Families

How Tourettes Affects Families
Photograpy by Unsplash

Just like any other major illness, life development, or medical condition, TS significantly affects families.

Learning about your child’s condition is difficult to accept at first and it can be challenging. However, there is hope at the end of the tunnel.

Your child, with the proper care, will have a wonderful life.

To adapt to the new situation, family members must learn about the condition as much as possible.

If you have a sibling or child diagnosed with Tourette’s, learning about the condition will help you understand your child better. When you try to understand the condition and the impact it will have on your family, you’ll be better able to provide the necessary care, love, and affection they need.


Impact of  Tourette’s Syndrome on Parents

It is natural that emotions run high. After all, their child has Tourette’s. While some provide the best life possible for their kid. Others feel guilty, blaming themselves for their child’s condition.

Hence, every member must know how Tourettes affects families.

Parents need to understand that every family deals with their own unique challenges. As such, they’ll need to adapt and care for the child the best way possible. Parents can help them pursue their dreams and interests. They can also help these kids with Tourette’s develop individual skills such as sports, dancing, or singing. Their condition shouldn’t stop them from being the best version of themselves.


How TS Affects Siblings

Siblings get upset with their brother or sister with TS  Becuase he gets more attention from their parents. However, parents have to change this by letting family members know the role they must play in caring for the child with Tourette’s.  This requires the attention of the family.

All the siblings can be taught to be supportive so that they can provide all the love and care the child with Tourette’s need. This way, the child with Tourette’s can enjoy the best childhood possible while learning valuable skills and qualities.



Learning to live with a child with Tourette’s is not an easy thing. You’ll have to provide constant love for such kids and sometimes it gets overwhelming. However, you can arrange regular breaks to recharge, clear your head, and come back refreshed.

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Living with Tourettes – What is it Like?

Living with Tourettes Syndrome and the difficulties of everyday life.

Living with Tourettes
Photo by Colton Sturgeon on Unsplash


Thousands of children and teenagers currently live with Tourettes and the tics associated with this disorder. According to one CDC study, 1 out of every 360 kids between the ages of 6-17 living in the US have received a diagnosis of TS. This condition mostly affects boys, as they are 3-5 times more likely to have it than girls. Additionally, kids between the ages of 12-17 are twice likely to have Tourette’s compared to those between the ages of 6-11.


However, the media has portrayed the wrong information about Tourette’s. It often attributes poorly delivered speeches, misspoken sentiments, and offending behavior to Tourette’s Syndrome. One of the best ways to understand what living with Tourette’s feel like is to hear what people with that condition have to say.


Kids and Teenagers Living With Tourettes Syndrome

According to this interview, here’s what people living with Tourette’s Syndrome this syndrome have to say about the condition and their tics.


“Tourette’s can be hilarious, but you can hurt yourself like badly. It can stop you from walking. You know, I still have my entire body weight behind me when my Tourette’s launches me onto the floor. Sometimes I can feel one coming, especially the really loud ones. The ones that feel like there’s some sort of bubbling inside you like waiting to come out. I can sort of tell when they’re coming. But a lot of them are just completely out of the blue. Tourette’s does not care about you. It’s not your friend. It lives inside your head and tells you to do something no normal person in their right mind will ever do.”


“Everyone is so different. My neck twitches and my head jerks. For me that really hurts. I get back problems and all sorts of stuff. Tourette’s is more scary. You never know when it’s gonna happen. So when I was younger, I used to try and suppress my tics a lot because it made me anxious.”


“Some people can be really cruel and say some really horrible things. I have people trying to fold me in. It’s such an invasion of my kinda personal space. For someone to actually be filming me just while I’m sitting down trying to have something to eat. That’s very hard to think back on. The reason why I love being with other people with Tourette’s is because I’m not constantly playing that role. I can completely just let go.”



People living with Tourettes have regular tics. Tics are characterized by repetitive movements or sounds that can not be controlled. For example, they may blink, blurt out certain sounds, or shrug their shoulders uncontrollably. The tics associated with TS  can not be stopped. Kids living with this condition struggle every day to live normal lives and sometimes it can be very difficult.


Although we may not fully understand what it means to live with tics, we can do our part by accommodating such ones and not making life harder than it already is for them.

People living with Tourettes need all the love, care, reassurance, and encouragement they can get.

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Parenting Tourettes Syndrome Children

Parenting Tourettes Syndrome Children is a daunting task

Parenting Tourettes Syndrome Children
Photo by Nathaniel Chang on Unsplash

Tourette’s Syndrome is a nervous system disorder that is characterized by tics (unwanted sounds or repetitive movements such as shrugging shoulders, blinking the eyes repeatedly, facial movements, and coughing, and throat clearing).

Parents of children or teenagers who have been diagnosed with Tourette’s syndrome have a responsibility as primary caregivers. Hence, they must help their child cope with this condition and grow into confident and successful adults. Here are a few ways they can do this.

1. Learn about the Condition

The first step in caring for your child is to learn everything about Tourette’s and the uncontrollable tics associated with the condition. When you understand your child’s condition, you’ll be equipped to provide all the support he/she needs. You can consult your physician or check articles on the internet to help you understand the condition better.

2. Seek Out Support

Additionally, you don’t have to deal with everything alone as a parent. Many parents often avoid seeking help because of the stigma associated with Tourette’s and the mental conditions associated with it. Because of the stigma, parents may find it hard to talk about it because they don’t want their children or other parents to know.

If your child has this condition, look for parents group or support groups that can provide the needed help. This way, you won’t have to do it all alone.

3. Provide Emotional Support

Your child’s self-esteem and confidence is greatly affected by how others react to the symptoms of Tourette’s. Hence, it is very important that parents help build the self-esteem of their kids. They should also help them improve their social skills so they make friends at school. When you’re always there to support your child, they will feel better about themselves.

To properly help your child, you have to deal with your own response to the diagnosis. These responses include fear, anger, guilt, isolation, and denial. The way you react to the diagnosis will affect the quality of your care. React to this response with accurate information about their condition. Only then will you be able to provide the needed support.

4. Seek Adequate Treatment Options

There is no cure for Tourette’s syndrome but there are behavioral treatments and medications that can help your child. As a parent, it is your duty to make sure that you provide all the services your child needs to live a productive and satisfying life. Your child may also benefit from psychological counseling which can help them with their social life and self-esteem issues.

Sometimes, the severity of the tics and co-occurring conditions may warrant the use of mediations in certain children. Hence, it is advised that you work with a physician to give your child the best treatment possible.


Every child is unique and as such, would respond differently to the condition. Some may handle their condition better while others may not. It is your responsibility as a parent to pay attention to your child and provide the needed support. Be aware of the challenges your kids face at school. This will help you treat them better and help them cope with negative social experiences they may have. This way, your child can excel in all areas of his or her life.

Parenting Tourettes Syndrome children is a noble task. Get all the help you can!
