Health Benefits of Being Physically Active

Health Benefits of Being Physically Active

Health Benefits of Being Physically Active
Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Being physically active is a great way to have fun, feel good, and boost your health. The health benefits of being physically active can be experienced by everyone regardless of their size, sex, or age.

Here are a few health benefits of Being  Physically Active.

You will experience a better quality of life when you engage in more physical activities or exercise.


  1. Weight Control

When you are physically active, you burn calories, and the more intense that activity is, the more calories you will burn. Physical activity keeps your weight in check by preventing excess weight gains and helps maintain weight loss. Take the stairs instead of an elevator, carry out more household chores, or take a walk. All these can keep your weight in check.


  1. Improves Mood

Research has shown that physical activities can stimulate certain brain chemicals that leave you less anxious, more relaxed, and happier. Since physical activities can keep you in great shape, you’ll feel better about the way you look, which can make you more confident and improve your self-esteem. A brisk walk every day can leave you feeling refreshed.


  1. Improves Sleep

If you want to sleep longer and deeper, then being physically active can help you achieve that. When you engage in physical activities every day, the quality of your sleep will improve. However, try not to exercise late at night. It may prevent you from getting a good night’s rest.


  1. Helps Prevent and Manage Health Conditions

Staying physically active helps to prevent certain diseases and health conditions. For example, physical activity reduces your risk of cardiovascular diseases. It also prevents or manages health problems such as high blood pressure, stroke, anxiety, depression, arthritis, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.


Health Benefits of Being Physically Active – Conclusion

To enjoy these health benefits, spend about 150 minutes engaging in moderate aerobic activity in a week. You can also spend 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity in a week. Better still, you can engage in a combination of both. Spread your activity throughout the week. Take a walk, swim, or even run to keep yourself active throughout the week.

This article is brought to you courtesy of Tourette’s Hope Center.

