Finding Your True Purpose In Life

Finding Your True Purpose In Life

Finding Your True Purpose In Life
Photo by Andreea Pop on Unsplash

The only way of finding your true purpose in life is by living a life that isn’t centered on getting approval from other people.

You have to explore your interests and passions. When you come to discover what you are meant to be, you must be prepared to silence the voices and listen to one voice only.

That voice that lives inside of you. It is your True North. And will tell you to keep trying, keep moving, believe in yourself, and to stay true to your purpose.

Unfortunately, not many people have found their true purpose in life.

They are either living a life that they are told they are supposed to live or they have accepted the misguided notion that finding your true purpose in life takes years and years.

Which may not always be the case.

Here are the top 5 things that are hindering you from finding your true purpose in life:

  1. You don’t know where to begin.

One thing stopping or delaying you from living your purpose is that you have no idea where to begin finding what your life purpose is in the first place.

The only way of discovering what your calling is in life is by knowing where to begin searching and the best place to start is inside you.

What are you passionate about? Is there something you can do exceptionally well that has people coming to you for assistance or advice? That could be your true purpose.

  1. You rely on other people to dictate what your life purpose is.

You are failing to realize your calling because you have become accustomed to people telling you how you ought to live and what to do. Sometimes your closest friends or family may have the right intentions.

When it comes to advising you or telling you what you should. Hence, good intentions may not be right. They may have an idea of who and what they want you to become. That doesn’t necessarily mean that’s what you were created to be.

  1. You are engrossed in comparing your life to that of others.

Additionally, comparing your life, abilities, or achievements to that of other people can stop you from knowing your destiny. You spend most of your time focusing on “If only I was that smart” or “I wish I could do that” and fail to appreciate what you are already great at. If you are truly set on finding out your true purpose you have to stop comparing yourself to other people, get rid of negative thoughts, and replace them with “I was born to have an impact and I will find out what that is.

  1. You already have a “picture” of what your purpose is.

We all have an “idea” of what we are meant to do, particularly during our adolescent years.

  1. You are not seeking guidance from the right people.

While discovering your true purpose on your own is the way to go, seeking guidance from the right people won’t hurt.

It will accelerate the process of finding out what your calling is in life. Additionally, it will give you ample time to seek efficient ways of staying true to your purpose.

Finally, it will help you become who you are meant to be.

Finding your true purpose in life is the first step in overcoming those barriers. Contact Us to find out how we can help you.


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Unleash Your Full Potential

Unleash Your Full Potential – Find Your Sense Of Purpose.

Unleash Your Full Potential
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

If you have ever met a person  who is not aware of what they are worth or what value their existence brings to the world?

You will agree that a sense of purpose makes a huge difference in a person’s life.

The belief that there is a good reason for one’s existence gives life a meaning. And it is a reason for the person to look forward to the next day.

That need to fulfill one’s purpose. To add value to the world around us is not something we randomly act on and succeed.

On top of knowing what makes us who we are or should be, we need to map ways to stay firm and focused on the reason for our existence.

How to unleash your full potential.

Our commitment to our purpose is the catalyst for unleashing our potential. The determination to succeed ignites a fire in us.  It gets us out of our hiding our comfort zones and pushes us to do something about our lives.

It all starts with that one step no matter how small it may be. Once we have taken it, we begin to see the possibility to take even more steps towards achieving dreams.

We begin to have a different view of the world and the way we appreciate life changes. We start to understand more about purpose and discover new and better ways to live in accordance with it. In essence, understanding our purpose and taking a step towards fulfilling it gets us on a journey of continuous growth.

Once we discover some possibilities and implement them, we get the courage to try new things.

Find the courage to move on, regardless of circumstances.

We also get the courage to confront our fears and appreciate challenges. This is made possible by the fact that we can look back and see where we once were.

We get lessons from our old selves, a time when we did not even know whether we had the power in us to take that first step. It reminds us of the same fears we had when we were still trying to find a starting point, how we struggled with challenges that later turned out to be the very things we needed to identify gaps in our strategies and helped us improve on our planning.

When we push ourselves towards living a meaningful life, we discover our capabilities we otherwise would have missed out on had we not believed our lives could be or were meant to be better than what they were, and not taken intentional steps towards fulfilling our purpose.

Perseverance in the key to unleash your full potential.

Where the right approach to fulfilling our purpose is employed and the basis of our belief in that we have a purpose is firm, we find satisfaction in remaining consistent in pursuing the goal to continue to give our life meaning. The principles that we adopt which form the foundation of our being never feel like a burden even when spectators may think that they are depriving us of fun and are slowing us down. This consistency supported by our principles helps us set priorities right and only change the things we do only if we have a logical reason to do so.

Finally, we are firm in our position and outside forces have less to no power to influence our lives.

However, a wise person would keep in mind the need to remain open-minded; to learn to listen to other people, because we never stop learning. A sense of purpose can drive us to care about others and give back. This is a necessary step towards building and maintaining good relationships with others. As we share especially our knowledge with others, we put ourselves in a position where we can get valuable information from them and discover new things about ourselves and the path that we are pursuing. By completely shutting out people, we risk missing out on opportunities to grow and to help others grow.

Find your purpose.

Knowing and living your purpose, and the fulfillment that comes with it bring the happiness one cannot begin to explain. Just remember that, happiness itself, is a reflection of a positive attitude. A positive attitude also means that we reason effectively and see opportunities where others may see threats only.

Such a person can be more ready to expand potential, and believing that they have a duty to perform in the world motivates them to grab every opportunity.

At Tourette’s Hope Center we help you find your way. Contact Us we are ready to give a hand.


Helping Kids With Tourette’s Syndrome at School

Helping Kids With Tourette’s Syndrome at School and at Home

Helping Kids with Tourette's Syndrome -
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

For most children and teenagers who experience Tourette’s syndrome, the disruptive nature of their tics makes them embarrassed.  They may be ridiculed or rejected by their peers at school. These youngsters may be misunderstood by their teachers, hence, their actions may be considered deliberate.

These kids may have a hard time staying focused in school if they feel that their peers may be noticing their tics. They may also find it difficult to make friends at school. This could be because other kids are unsure about them or because they feel embarrassed about their condition.

However, parents and teachers can do a lot to make these kids perform better at school and to make healthy friendships.

Strategies for Helping Kids With Tourette’s

1. Adopt a Personalized Approach

To successfully help children or teenagers with Tourette’s, you have to understand that each of them is unique and they would all be affected differently. As such, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach for every kid with Tourette’s. To develop a plan that will work for a child, use the results from their evaluation as well as the knowledge you already have of them.

2. Ensure that the Teacher has a Good Understanding of Tourette’s

Leaving your child in the care of a teacher who doesn’t have a proper understanding of Tourette’s is a recipe for disaster. This is because it can affect not just the child with the condition but others around that child. Make sure the teacher understands the condition enough to offer the proper care. Such a teacher will need to give appropriate information about the child’s condition to their peers or classmates. This will go a long way in preventing bullying.

Teachers also need to understand that the child or teenager with this condition will have no control when the sensation of the tic begins. Although certain kids can delay the tic for some time, they can not stop it. Hence, disciplining or punishing the child won’t work.

3. Provide a Separate Testing Location

As stated earlier, children or teenagers with this condition have no control over tics. This can prevent them and their classmates from focusing on tests. To prevent this, provide a separate testing location where the child can tic without distracting others. This way, they can focus on their test.

4. Encourage them to Participate in Extracurricular Activities

Physical activities have been shown to decrease tics in certain kids. Therefore, encourage children and teenagers with Tourette’s to engage in sports. This will help them reduce their tics. It is also a good way for them to bond with their peers. Extracurricular activities will hell them to develop their social skills and make more friends.


It is important to note that tics can increase over time, especially during the teen years. You may need to try different strategies and treatment methods for the child or teenager as they go through school. However, when you give them the needed support, you can help the child succeed academically and socially.

If you want to help build our Tourettes Hope Center in Hollywood Fl, please contact us…
