Helping Kids With Tourette’s Syndrome at School

Helping Kids With Tourette’s Syndrome at School and at Home

Helping Kids with Tourette's Syndrome -
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

For most children and teenagers who experience Tourette’s syndrome, the disruptive nature of their tics makes them embarrassed.  They may be ridiculed or rejected by their peers at school. These youngsters may be misunderstood by their teachers, hence, their actions may be considered deliberate.

These kids may have a hard time staying focused in school if they feel that their peers may be noticing their tics. They may also find it difficult to make friends at school. This could be because other kids are unsure about them or because they feel embarrassed about their condition.

However, parents and teachers can do a lot to make these kids perform better at school and to make healthy friendships.

Strategies for Helping Kids With Tourette’s

1. Adopt a Personalized Approach

To successfully help children or teenagers with Tourette’s, you have to understand that each of them is unique and they would all be affected differently. As such, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach for every kid with Tourette’s. To develop a plan that will work for a child, use the results from their evaluation as well as the knowledge you already have of them.

2. Ensure that the Teacher has a Good Understanding of Tourette’s

Leaving your child in the care of a teacher who doesn’t have a proper understanding of Tourette’s is a recipe for disaster. This is because it can affect not just the child with the condition but others around that child. Make sure the teacher understands the condition enough to offer the proper care. Such a teacher will need to give appropriate information about the child’s condition to their peers or classmates. This will go a long way in preventing bullying.

Teachers also need to understand that the child or teenager with this condition will have no control when the sensation of the tic begins. Although certain kids can delay the tic for some time, they can not stop it. Hence, disciplining or punishing the child won’t work.

3. Provide a Separate Testing Location

As stated earlier, children or teenagers with this condition have no control over tics. This can prevent them and their classmates from focusing on tests. To prevent this, provide a separate testing location where the child can tic without distracting others. This way, they can focus on their test.

4. Encourage them to Participate in Extracurricular Activities

Physical activities have been shown to decrease tics in certain kids. Therefore, encourage children and teenagers with Tourette’s to engage in sports. This will help them reduce their tics. It is also a good way for them to bond with their peers. Extracurricular activities will hell them to develop their social skills and make more friends.


It is important to note that tics can increase over time, especially during the teen years. You may need to try different strategies and treatment methods for the child or teenager as they go through school. However, when you give them the needed support, you can help the child succeed academically and socially.

If you want to help build our Tourettes Hope Center in Hollywood Fl, please contact us…
