Five Inspiration Questions

Five Inspiration Questions:

Five Inspiration Questions


Have you thought about what makes you happy every day?

Here arr a few questions that will give you food for thought.

  1. Who are the top 5 people you appreciate most and why?
  2. As you focused on others today, what did you see that inspired you? How so?
  3. What 5 negative self-talk comments come to your mind most often? Why?
  4. How have 3 people inspired you through positive talk and 3 through negative talk?
  5. Describe how a group of positive people encouraged you. What did they say and why was it helpful?


At Tourette’s Hope Center we raise every day knowing that our goals are ever closer.

Our dream of building our holistic center is getting closer to reality. We need a few good people to help us succeed.

Progress is slowly coming to fruition, new therapies and treatments are becoming available throughout the country.

The use of Occupational Therapy as well as new medications are helping people live fulfilling lives.

Helping thousands of sufferers is our goal.

Answer these Five Inspiration Questions and makeĀ  your day better.


Help us make our dream of helping others achieve their full potential for happiness.

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